Puppy Classes
We offer private one-on-one puppy classes to help you and your new puppy get a great start. We also offer adult classes for tune-ups and specialized training! ​
Our team will work with you and your puppy introducing our effective training techniques to address common puppy behaviors to give your puppy a solid foundation.
Puppy Basics Class:
6 Private Training Sessions
Early training and socialization are the key to having a well behaved dog. These one hour, one on one sessions will provide you and your puppy a strong foundation of good behavior. These private individual lessons will focus on basic obedience and communication. We will teach you how communicate with your puppy to build a working relationship built on trust and respect.
Work on:
Sit, Down, Off, No Jumping, No Biting, Place, Leash Walking, proper socialization
$349, includes one in-home training session
Starting March 5th, 2025
​Wednesdays or Thursdays each week for 6 weeks - 4pm or 5 pm
Adult Dog Training:
6 Private Training Lessons
These one hour, one on one sessions that will teach you how to address common training issues. This is a good class that will not only build your dogs’ confidence in you, but will build your confidence in your training skills. These private sessions will work on your specific issues with your dog and help you build a better relationship with your dog.
Skills such as leash walking, barking, excitement, jumping on people, place, leave-it, off
$349, includes one in-home training session
Starting March 5th, 2025
​Wednesdays or Thursdays each week for 6 weeks - 4pm or 5 pm
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Class
(16 weeks-1 year)
6 Private Training Sessions
Early training and socialization are the key to having a well behaved dog. These one hour, one on one sessions with your new puppy will help get you both off on the right paw. This training program is geared towards puppies and their owners. The AKC S.T.A.R.sm Puppy Program rewards responsible owners who take the time to train and socialize their new puppies.
At the end of the training course, the instructor will administer the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy test. Upon passing, owners and their puppies will be enrolled in the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program and will receive an AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy package which includes:
A frameable certificate
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy medal
AKC Puppy Handbook
Discount enrollment in AKC Companion Animal Recovery
Subscription to monthly e-mail newsletter that includes training tips
$349, includes one in-home training session
Starting March 11th, 2025
Tuesdays each week for 6 weeks - 5 pm
More info about the S.T.A.R. Puppy Program at:

We believe the best dog is
one who is truly a joy to live with.
Having remarkable manners not only at home, but anywhere you want to take them in public.