How does the
puppy pick out process go?
This is the most popular question people ask...
First... I am hoping you've put a deposit on the litter you are most interested in regarding size and color. When you place a deposit we will not know if a girl, or boy, or certain color will even be born. If you have a deposit on a multi colored litter you should be prepared and willing to accept any of those colors. If you come onto a litter after it's born and there are others that have placed a deposit before you... it does NOT mean you will not get to pick your top puppy choices. Everyone will pick three they love.
Second... I realize most people have a preference for gender. Just so you know, this breed does not have any difference in temperament or personality in boy vs. girl dog. Their temperaments are not determined by gender. All puppies will be super people focused and very loving. The temperament of each dog whether boy or girl can very slightly. I ask that you have an open mind for gender and color.
When puppies are 6 weeks old we have puppy pick out day, each family that has a reservation on the litter will come and meet all the puppies (if you live far then we Skype/Facetime). You will learn about each puppy's personality and temperament according to results of the Volhard Puppy Temperament test. Then after you have considered all puppies, you will choose your top three puppies in order of preference.
When puppies are 7-8 weeks old Sunrise Australian Labradoodles (Karen) will allocate your puppy based on information within your application, results of temperament testing/personality evaluations, and the 3 puppy choices you made at puppy pick out day. Preference will be given to the top two puppies you have chosen. You WILL get one of your three choices. So if you feel you cannot choose three puppies you like from the litter you have placed a deposit onto then you should call and discuss other litter options.
This process is very successful!
I know some people feel they want to just pick the puppy they see a photo of and fall in love... but sometimes that puppy is not right. This process ensures you get a puppy that will match your family lifestyle in temperament whether that is low key snuggling on the couch, agility, family with kids, or service or therapy work.