Grooming Your Australian Labradoodle
Don't let your dog get like this!

Make your Doodle look it's best!
Not all groomers know how to groom an Australian Labradoodle. Most do, here is information for you to download, print and take to your groomer so your puppy can look it's best!! Some coats are different maybe more curly then this dog in the demo so if your puppy is different maybe find a photo on my website of a dog that matches and print that out to take to your groomer as well.

Below you will find a link to the basic grooming Products I recommend for daily or weekly brushing and keeping your doodle with a beautiful coat.
Some groomers are willing to read information about how YOU want YOUR dog groomed and some are not. Remember it's your dog and you want it to look like the breed you bought. Also in the summer you might want to have your puppy cut down more but remember to keep in mind the overall look, the head should always be a bit longer then the body.
Ear Cleaning
Your ALD's ears need to be clean. Some will need very often like once a week and some will need only once a month. Check your dogs ears often, if you see black gunk in there get the ear wash out and wash them. Below is a link to my video on how to clean your dogs ears out.
Grooming Tools
Below are some basic tools that you will need for your Australian Labradoodle. The coat of your doodle will need to be brushed thoroughly and often. Your puppies coat at 8 weeks to about 7 months will be fairly easy to keep brushed. BUT, after the adult coat starts to come in then the brushing will need to be done regularly.