At Sunrise Australian Labradoodles we are dedicated in continuing to improve the breed according to the standards set by the Worldwide Australian Labradoodle Asoociation (WALA).
What is an Australian Labradoodle?
The Australian Labradoodle
is different from all other labradoodles.
In the early days, the Labradoodle was simply a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Standard Poodle, F1 and F1b are both early generation Labradoodles. Whereby the "Australian Labradoodles" are also know as "Multi-generational" Labradoodles. Labradoodles bred to Labradoodles for many generations and can be traced back to the two kennels that started the lines of Australian Labradoodles. In the late 1980's, Tegan Park and Rutland Manor both in Australia, started breeding the lines we know today... the Australian Labradoodle. They began carefully infusing several other breeds into early generations (F1 and F1b's) of their Lab/Poodle crosses, to improve temperament, coat, conformation, and size. The infused breeds include Irish Water Spaniel as well as the American and English Cocker Spaniel. The resulting labradoodles subsequently have been bred to each other, continuing the multi-generational tradition.
Today, Australian Labradoodles are wonderful, intelligent dogs with lush coats that are more reliably low to non-shedding and allergy friendly than other types of Labradoodles such as first generation Lab/Poodle crosses, or first generation crosses bred back to Poodles. Even when the other types of Labradoodles are bred on for generations, the result is not an Australian Labradoodle, as the attributes of the infused breeds were not included in their ancestry.
The Worldwide Australian Labradoodle Association was founded exclusively to foster and protect the original Australian Labradoodle lines that have come directly from Tegan Park and Rutland Manor breeding stock, or their offspring. Their mission is to maintain and improve the quality and soundness of the Australian Labradoodles, and to carefully monitor the further development of the breed. All member breeders are carefully screened to help ensure the future of the Australian Labradoodle. Member breeders must breed to the highest standards.
Australian Labradoodle Height and Weight Standards:
Standard: Height 21 - 24 inches at the withers- 45 - 60 pounds
Medium: Height 17 - 20 inches at the withers- 20-40 lbs
Miniature: Height 14"-16" at the withers- less then 20 lbs
The Australian Labradoodle is good with children and is easy to train. It gets along well with other dogs. It is extremely clever, sociable and joyful, and quick to learn unusual or special tasks. Active, a little comical at times. Temperament and Soundness are the two KEY elements in a good family companion; they must not be sacrificed for any reason.
Australian Labradoodle Temperament:
Regular grooming with a slicker brush at least every two weeks. Their coat grows like your hair so will need to be trimmed as you prefer it, at least two to three times a year. Trimming and scissoring around the eyes, feet and under area to keep clean and tidy.
Breed Association
WALA (Worldwide Australian Labradoodle Association): The WALA exists to protect the welfare of the Australian Labradoodle and the Labradoodle, as well as to promote responsible ownership by offering services to breeders and owners alike. We are committed to being a leader in this effort.
Your puppy can be a registered puppy with WALA Pet Society.
Caramel Ice, Caramel Cream, Caramel, and Caramel Red, Red, Gold, Apricot, Cream, Chalk, Chocolate, Café, Lavender, Parchment, Black, Blue, and Silver
Coat patterns in Australian Labradoodle include the following:
All solid colors. Colors of Parchment, Lavender, Cafe’ and Chocolate may have dark amber eyes; liver noses, eye rims and lips; and dark nails. Colors of Caramel may have dark amber to pale hazel-green eyes; liver noses, eye rims and lips; and self colored to dark nails. Colors of Gold, Red, Black, Blue and Silver must have very dark eyes; black noses, eye rims and lips; and black or self-colored nails. Colors of Chalk and Cream may have either pigmentation of dark amber to pale hazel-green eyes; liver noses, eye rims and lips; and self colored to dark nails or very dark eyes; black noses, eye rims and lips; and black or self-colored nails. These colors may appear in one of the following patterns:
Solid. Color is solid and preferably even, preferably with no white markings. A small white flash no larger than 2.5cm in diameter can appear on the chest, feet or tail and is permissible. Even colors are preferred but natural coloration of the coat is not considered a fault.
Parti: Color is fifty percent white, with spots/patches of any other solid color. No set pattern is required but symmetrical markings on the head are preferred. Freckling of the solid color in the white of the coat is acceptable but not encouraged.
Phantom: The body color must be a solid color with defined markings of a second color as follows: above each eye, on the sides of the muzzle, on the cheek, on the underside of the ears, on the throat to forechest, or on a chin and forechest pattern, with a minimum second coloring on the feet preferably up the legs, and below the tail. Second color on the inside of the leg and flank is also acceptable and should not be penalized. Markings are preferred to be clear and defined. Face markings of the second color with the entire face colored is acceptable, though not preferred, if the other required body markings are present. Any of the solid color combination is acceptable.
Abstract: Any solid color with the second color being white, must have less than fifty percent white.
Sable: Black-tipped hairs on any solid color, preferable even but no penalty for uneven pattern of ticking.
Brindle: Should have an even and equal distribution of the colors with layering of black hairs in regions of lighter colors (usually, chalk/cream/gold/red, cafe/lavender/parchment, or silver) producing a tiger-striped pattern.
Multi: Multiple colors or patterns, as in a phantom with large white Abstract markings, or a Parti pattern with Sable ticking etc...
NOTE: It is normal that all colors may show bleaching and discoloration over the top coat, referred to as sunning, this is quite expected and acceptable. The Australian Labradoodle is an active dog and often a service dog that enjoys the outdoors. Sunning or weather bleaching MUST NOT be penalized.